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L U Z   Y

Antelope Canyon, lugar mágico con juego de luz que apreciamos gracias a las formas y texturas naturales del lugar. Prenda que captura esa esencia a través de las formas de sus mangas y la textura creada en ellas. Contraste en los textiles de luz (claro/oscuro) y de estructura (grueso/delgado).

The antelope canyon is a magical earth creation in which light plays a big role, through the creeks, light enters creating amazing shadows, enhancing the textures of the walls. For this garment, it was essential to capture the movement of the place and the texture created with light, making a contrast of textiles in structure(thick/thin) and colour (dark/light). The structure of the sleeves plays the role of the mountains, and the texture I created moves and interacts with this structure smoothly, as light does.


© 2020 Sofia Zuñiga CENTRO

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